It's tough when a kid doesn't like you or your teaching style. I gave the students a self assessment yesterday so they could consider their understanding on each topic on an upcoming test. Then at the bottom I had a place for them to write down any areas of concern or difficulty. One student wrote something to the affect of... "I don't think you're teaching very well. You just go over Bell Ringers at the beginning, go over the new stuff a little bit, and then assign homework. And I don't feel like the notes are helpful at all." I immediately start to try to justify myself and place the blame back on this student. At least she was honest! I know I will always have students that don't like my teaching style. To be honest, what she said is exactly what I do. I do Bell Ringers first. Then I go over the new stuff a little bit, and assign homework. That's the routine that a high school math teacher often gets stuck in. I do have a couple of thoughts ...