Today I did a kick boxing workout. Like I always do, I took a bunch of timer selfies so I could keep track of my form and hold myself accountable. I don't really care if anyone even looks at my pictures, but posting them somewhere is a mental thing that helps me stay on track. I know that when I do a lot of punching and kicking, the pictures often manage to capture some pretty unflattering lower tummy fat. My first plan was to pick one of those unflattering photos and share it with some inspirational message about not being self conscious on instagram. That would have been great except I was immediately self conscious about those pictures : ) So much so that I actually deleted them immediately. This is crazy because I know I'm not fat. I know there are women who would love to have me right now as their absolutely perfect goal body. This just highlights the impossibility of reaching the elusive perfect body. There will always be something you would alter slightly... This is ...