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Showing posts from October, 2021

Prayer for Educators

I have no words to adequately describe the frustration of American school teachers right now.  God,  Teachers, students, and public schools need a miracle right now. Thank you for reminding me that the ultimate goal isn't a thriving public school system (unless that is your goal for us). The ultimate goal is "populating heaven." Please help me to remember that obstacles provide opportunities.  When there wasn't any food, Jesus fed 5000 people with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. The humans didn't have what was needed, but Jesus did.  When Moses and the Israelites faced the Red Sea, they probably had a much more desperate prayer than we do right now, although the value and worth of our students, teachers, and admin, and their salvation is just as important as every life you saved when you parted the waters. You saved a nation then, and you can save a generation now.  When Joseph's brothers thought they were going to die of starvation, you had already put ...