Today I've really gotten to harnass my inner English teacher! We've been updating training manuals for the newest version of Hy-Vee's software. We found a very quick and easy way to include Tables of Contents and hyperlinks so that the manuals are more user friendly and easier to navigate online.
I've gone back and forth in previous instances about the role of writing in the math classroom. There's no doubt in my mind that writing about math is an extremely valuable tool, and I absolutely want my kids to be used to writing their thinking and putting explanations down on paper from the very beginning of the school year. I wonder how much emphasis I should put on using proper sentences and correct grammar. If I am only thinking about their understanding of math, then perhaps their grammar and punctuation are not very important; however, if I consider their other classes, the college requirements they will face, and the skills they will need for almost any job, I should definitely use writing about math as another opportunity to strengthen their overall writing and communication skills. They will need to write professional emails even in high school to their teachers. They will need to write essays and business letters to get into college and when applying for jobs, and that probably won't be all. This externship is a perfect example of how you never know when you're going to need to use your writing skills.
I've gone back and forth in previous instances about the role of writing in the math classroom. There's no doubt in my mind that writing about math is an extremely valuable tool, and I absolutely want my kids to be used to writing their thinking and putting explanations down on paper from the very beginning of the school year. I wonder how much emphasis I should put on using proper sentences and correct grammar. If I am only thinking about their understanding of math, then perhaps their grammar and punctuation are not very important; however, if I consider their other classes, the college requirements they will face, and the skills they will need for almost any job, I should definitely use writing about math as another opportunity to strengthen their overall writing and communication skills. They will need to write professional emails even in high school to their teachers. They will need to write essays and business letters to get into college and when applying for jobs, and that probably won't be all. This externship is a perfect example of how you never know when you're going to need to use your writing skills.
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