Today I'm frustrated by how the system that we have in place doesn't always help students. In fact, right now I feel like because of some restrictions we have in place, I have students that aren't getting the same help and support that other students are receiving when they would benefit from some of those resources as much or more than some of the students currently receiving help. I have a girl who was in math lab last year. That meant she had math 2 periods a day. They focused on preteaching what the students would see in their math class as well as ITED prep during that 2nd math class. This student passed her math classes last year. She was proficient on her Iowa Assessments. (Although, had she scored one point lower she would not have been, and would have been automatically eligible for lab this year.) Since she was proficient by one point, the only way she would be put in lab this year was if her interim test scores last year were below an average of 50%. She was ju...