How do we make kids do homework? I would like to consider having consequences for when a students misses 2 or more homework assignments. If they just miss one, it's possibly they just had a really busy night or forgot their book at school. Stuff like that can happen once. If it happens twice, then I want to have consequences. I wonder if I could do lunch detentions and if they are missing 2 or more homework assignments, they would have to eat lunch in my room until they were caught up. I saw an idea on Pinterest of a homework binder where students have to write down the date, the assignment, and why it wasn't done/turned in. I like this idea, but it only works if I actually collect homework (unless I have the binder and make a student write in it if I see their homework isn't finished when i'm just walking around and checking.) It also takes time for students to fill in things like this.