Today was probably the best day so far of the school year! It started out pretty normally. First period was uneventful. Second we had meetings. Then in the first five minutes of third period, I was walking backwards between a row of desks while talking to the students, and I tripped on a backpack and totally wiped out! As one student said later, "I followed the path of a downward opening parabola." I flew up into the air and landed flat on my butt. I did the only thing I could do. I burst out laughing. Some kids actually said they were really nervous because it looked like I was going to hit my head on the white board tray. Dodged that one I guess! So the kids were really nice about it, and we moved on. About 10 or 15 minutes later I see a man walking down the hall way, and it's Jay, and he has flowers for me! It's not a special day or anything, he was just out and about and wanted to surprise me!!!! I introduced him to the class, and he stayed for a minute or two...