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Showing posts from January, 2022

God Loves Math: Hebrews 3:4

God Loves Math: In which I select a random Bible verse from a random Bible verse generator ( this one ) and ask God to show me a new way of understanding Him, honoring Him, and loving Him while using a mathematical mindset to approach the section of scripture.  Today's Random Bible Verse Hebrews 3:4 "For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." Oh, this verse is full of meaning when considered mathematically! (Although we see it much more when we look at it in its context.)  Hebrews 3:1 tells us to fix our thoughts on Jesus, "whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest." Why should we do that? "Let's prove Jesus deserves it," is essentially the approach taken by the author. I can appreciate a good proof.  1) If someone is faithful, then they deserve honor. We know this is true because the Bible talks about Moses being found worthy of honor because he was faithful "in all God's house." 2) If Jesus...

God Loves Math: Galatians 6:7

 God Loves Math: In which I select a random Bible verse from a random Bible verse generator ( this one ) and ask God to show me a new way of understanding Him, honoring Him, and loving Him while using a mathematical mindset to approach the section of scripture.  Today's Random Bible Verse Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.  Thought #1 Our lives are similar to functions. For a relation to be a function, one input can only go to one output. If I input the value x=4  and can get y=2   or y=5 , I do not have a function because the input in a function must have only one output. We reap what we sow. If an input of x=4  maps to an output of y=2 , then we could say that sowing a 4 will reap a 2. If we sow "tirelessly doing good" as we're instructed to in verse 9, then God promises our output will be a harvest. This idea is backed up in Matthew 7:18. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fr...

Definitions, Axioms, Math, and God

 Tonight I'm thinking about the unique way that God has created me.  I have been a math teacher. That has been my only career until being a coach these last 3 years. I've continued to be a math teacher while coaching. God created me with a deep love of learning. Mathematics is a bunch of well defined rules that give us an incredible playground of puzzles. I became a teacher because I wanted to do mathematics and work with people. I would never have become a teacher of any other subject. I get that you can learn in Science and Social Studies and English, so why do I love math so much? I love the definitions. Something is how we define it. I think of the stupid Neature Walk videos from high school... "It's called an aspen because that's what it is..." But really, the world operates a certain way, but in mathematics, the world exists in perfection in our minds. When we say something is a circle, we mean it is the set of all points equidistant from a center. Where...